Website Terms of Use

Welcome to our Website!

Reasonable care is given with Web Site Design and Web Site updates, but Perfect Fit Tailoring, or Website Manager, Glenda S. Ryan, cannot and do not guarantee accuracy and will not be held liable for invalid or error information of any type displayed on this website, including but not limited to typographical errors, coding errors, missing data files, miscommunication, problems or errors with file updates, failure to update information, mistakes, problems with the hosting service. Please confirm validity of any information you find on this website. Under no circumstances shall Perfect Fit Tailoring or Glenda S. Ryan or Clients or employees or representatives of either be liable for damages that result from the use of or inability to use this website or the validity of information displayed or omitted information when viewing this website.


The information on this website site is property of its respective owners. Please do not use any images, photographs, graphics, or elements of any type without permission.

This Disclaimer Notice and Terms of Use may be modified without notice. Please be sure to review the Terms of Use prior to using this website to ensure you are viewing the latest copy published.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Webmaster Glenda Ryan at 919-802-1241 or Rachael Brown at 919-217-0340.

Thanks for your interest in our website and Perfect Fit Tailoring.

Wishing you a Fabulous Day!